Just a simple try...

Honesty, fidelity, fascination

Trio in feeling, inspired by you and stored in the heart.

Protected by the soul and nurtured by the mind...

For a man i've never known before...

A risk, a challenge, frustration. I want to heal you...


I'm under the heel again and sometimes it's unbearable...

My emotions piled high upon the altar of my soul and crushed together in a heap of futility.

Discarded with the tissues, wet from my tears...

Nothing recognizable exept that single drop of blood,

that holds the heart that beats within me still...

and i wonder what it is... is it me?

My gender, my past, my ways?

Why im wrong, wanting only to be right?

To scale the wall to the smile on the other side,

where the sun shines enough to melt the doubt.

Hearts know each other in confidence. Souls grow and prosper minds achieve,

hands hold, lips touch, equilibrium is restored...

but not for someone such as me.

I cry, i bleed, i fear, i live but god, how i try...

I'm only the best i can be for you, not a goddess, not a saint....

Just a woman in love.

With a passion that allows room for no other, need for no other and want for no other.

I'm whole when you touch me, more woman for the man you are...

And it hurts when i fall to make you see....

More realization, i'm only me.


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